Monday, July 25, 2011

Swallowtail in progress

I'm posting this for advice from knitters on Ravelry as I've just realized that my budding lace seems to be slanting in the wrong direction.Photobucket

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Relay for Life Photos

A good time was had by all. Our team raised over $7,000.00 and the Sunnybrook Park Relay raised over $300,000. Our next-door neighbours, the Spandex Army, joined us and danced the night away. The evening was THE most fun, and I would highly recommend it to anyone. Here are some of my photos. I hope you enjoy them.Photobucket

Monday, April 18, 2011

14th Annual Knitter's Frolic

It's that time of year again! Last year over 1,500 knitters, crocheters and spinners attended this fantastic event. The Knitters Frolic is sponsored by the DKC (Downtown Knit Collective) and will be held on Saturday & Sunday, April 30 - May 1, 2011 at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, 6 Garamond Court, Toronto, Ontario. Marketplace: Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Workshops: Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Admission $5.00 at the door. Free parking and Wheelchair accessible. Some of the vendors will include: Adirondac Yarns, Bejewelled and Bedazzled, Black Sheep and Ewe, Cabin Fever, Fur Yarn by Paula Lishman, to name but a few. For more details go to and click on Knitter's Frolic on the left-hand side. Photobucket

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Knit Your Own Royal Wedding

I know there's a lot of excitement and anticipation about the upcoming royal wedding amongst my friends at home and throughout the Commonwealth, even though we will have to get up at 3 a.m.! but thank you Britain for thinking of this!

You can knit your own royal wedding, with the Royal Family, William and Kate, a corgi, a footman and the Archibishop of Canterbury! This book is already a best-seller and I suspect will become a collector's item.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Adorable Stitch Markers

I said I'd be posting about things I love and things on my wish-list. Well, here's one I own and absolutely love. These adorable stitch markers are from an Etsy shop called scarymerry, I also have sheep and I've just ordered sock monkeys. Isn't it amazing how addictive stitch markers can be, as if I don't already have enough!Photobucket

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Brandywine Shawl

Since I've started posting, I thought I'd share my Brandywine Shawl as well. I have a couple of more rows left to complete before I bind off and block it. I love this shawl and can't wait to wear it.
It's knit with two 50g skeins of Manos del Uruguay silk blend. For anyone interested, the colour is 3109. I knit this on 4.5 mm., again because I knit tight and had to adjust for gauge, but it's a treat to knit. Once I've blocked the shawl I'll model it and post a photo.
The designer is the very talented Rosemary (Romi) Hill and the pattern is available for purchase on Ravelry. Five dollars of the $6.50 cost goes to Doctors Without Borders. Photobucket

Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcome to Knit One Frog Too

Knit One Frog Too. I was tempted to call it Frog More Than I Knit. I know it's the perfectionist in me, but when I hear the words, don't worry we can fix that, I immediately think, how long is this going to take to rip out! This blog will feature my WIPS as well as completed projects; unique knitting items, some of which I own and others on my wish-list; knitting books I love and upcoming events in and around Ontario. I hope you'll follow along.Photobucket

WIP - Midwest Moonlight Scarf

This is my current WIP, it's from the book Scarf Style by Pam Allen. The pattern is Midwest Moonlight by Ivy Bigelow and you can find several versions of it on Ravelry. I've knit this on 4.5 mm Addis as I knit tight. The yarn is Rowan Cashsoft Baby DK and I've purchased four 50g balls.

I love this colour and chose it to go with a brown jacket.
